About Us

LifeNews Radio is an affiliate of LifeNews.com.  For daily news updates by email, please visit www.LifeNews.com.

LifeNews.com is an independent news agency devoted to reporting news that affects the pro-life community. With a team of experienced journalists and bloggers, LifeNews.com reaches more than 750,000 pro-life advocates each week via its web site, email news reports, social networking outreach and weekday radio program.

LifeNews.com also acts as a service provider to furnish news content to media that share the pro-life perspective. The topics covered by LifeNews.com include abortion, conscience rights, assisted suicide and euthanasia, bioethics issues such as human cloning and stem cell research, campaigns and elections, and cultural legal and legislative issues as they affect the pro-life community.

We at LifeNews.com have been harnessing the power of the Internet since 1992 to bring pro-life news to the pro-life community. We’ve developed a reputation for fairness, accuracy and timeliness in our decades of service. We are not affiliated with any organization, religious group, political party or church denomination. (For more, visit www.LifeNews.com/about.)

Jim Anderson – LifeNewsRadio.com For over 18 years, LifeNews Radio has offered US radio stations 2 minutes of daily radio news to help form good pro-life thought and good pro-life action.  Information should help form the human will to act in accord with the human capacities for faith and reason.
Host Jim Anderson has followed this idea with passion throughout his radio career. He helped start three religious radio stations and is currently with Sacred Heart Radio in Seattle, now a network of 9 stations in the Pacific Northwest. He hosts annual live coverage of Northwest pro-life demonstrations at Spokane’s Walk for Life and the March for Life in Olympia.

Over the years, Jim has served on the campaign staffs of pro-life gubernatorial and state legislative candidates in Washington state. He has been a foster parent, a volunteer in prison ministry, and has worked with troubled and homeless youth including youth in crisis pregnancies.

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