Tragic Pressure to Abort Disabled Babies, Details of State Investigation Raise Suspicions, False Unprotected Abstinence in Planned Parenthood Curricula, Friday Vote on Abortion Mandate in Washington State

Listen here for LifeNews Radio for February 21, 2013:
20130221 LifeNews Radio Aborting Disabled-Carhart Investigation-Abstinence Redefined-Washington Abortion Mandate


As details of the woman who died an abortion-related death come forward, attention is being brought to the issue of women pressured to abort disabled babies.  Jennifer Morbelli and her husband were looking forward to the birth of their baby girl when doctors discovered problems with the baby’s brain.  The couple traveled from New York to the late-term abortion clinic of LeRoy Carhart in Maryland. An autopsy released shows the 33 year old teacher died of an amniotic embolism and widespread coagulation.

Other aspects of a state investigation include personal patient documents and other waste that may have been disposed of illegally.  Some of the documents and references to protocols seem to call into question the care received at Carhart’s clinic.  Tragically adding suspicions, some former employees of the abortionist say he frequently broke state health and medical laws in his Nebraska abortion business.

New curriculum touted by Planned Parenthood uses an interesting definition of abstinence.  Abstinence in this curriculum refers not to abstinence but strictly to unprotected sex.
And a vote is scheduled in the Washington State House to require all insurance policies covering maternity to also pay for abortions.  Debate begins at 9 AM Friday in Olympia.