Category Archives: HHS Mandate

February 5, 2013 New HHS Rules Force Compliance, Catholic Hospital Drops Legal Argument Denying Personhood of Unborn, 12,000 Plan B Covert Prescriptions in New York City Schools

Listen here for LifeNews Radio for February 5, 2013:
20130205 LifeNews Radio Forced Compliance-Dropping Argument-NYC Covert Rx

Some media outlets and others looking at the revised HHS contraceptive-abortifacient drug mandate are clearly under the impression that the HHS has substantially expanded its exemptions for “religious employers” under mandate rules.  Pro-life groups and others are saying, “Not so fast.”  Now, no distinction is being made between houses of worship, its schools, institutions, or its employees.  Attorney Wesley Smith says the new rules, despite their nice-sounding press releases, are a rapid way for the Obama administration to expand the HHS mandate.  No conscience is allowed in the public square, no institution is allowed to express in their business conduct what they teach in their classrooms, even insurance for nuns in a church convent would be required to offer contraceptives.

After nationwide criticism and being taken to task by three Colorado bishops, Catholic Health Initiatives will no longer argue in court that an unborn child is not a person.  St. Thomas More Hospital is defending itself against the suit involving the tragic death of twin unborn boys at that hospital.

12,000 doses of the Plan B morning-after pill have been dispensed to New York City school children.  A report in the New York Post says the abortifacient hormone overdoses were dispensed without involving parents.

February 4, 2013 New HHS Mandate Rules, IPAB Rationing Board Hits a Snag, Resisting Investigation of Abandoned Children after Failed Abortions, Reproductive Coercion-ACOG Wants Screening of Pregnant Women

Listen here for LifeNews Radio for February 4, 2013:
20130204 LifeNews Radio Revised Mandate-IPAB Hitch-Investigation Opposed-Reproductive Coercion

The White House’ new development of HHS rules takes aim at conscience held by business owners and backs away from imposing on many religious groups the contraceptive mandate, the same one that includes abortifacient drugs and most anything that interdicts childbearing.  Companies like Hobby Lobby are left out in the cold, which is in keeping with the White House stated view that people who own businesses somehow give up any right to conscience.

Get accustomed to the initials, “I-P-A-B”.  It stands for the Independent Payment Review Board and is the rationing panel set up by ObamaCare.  The controversial board has, for now, hit a snag. No one wants to be on the board of what has been called, “15 unelected strangers in charge of Americans’ health care decisions.”

In other news, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is opposing a call by three MPs for an investigation into Canadian government figures showing that nearly 5-hundred children have been born alive and subsequently left to die following failed abortions. And while there is no call from the medical community to screen for the 40 percent of abortions that are coerced, a committee of gynecologists are calling for screening of what they are calling ‘reproductive coercion’.


February 1st Twitter Censors Black Pro-Lifers, Arkansas Senate Passes Abortion Ban-Injunction against HHS Mandate, 491 Babies from Failed Abortions Left to Die

This is LifeNews Radio for February 1, 2013
20130201 LifeNews Radio Twitter Censorship-Arkansas Ban-HHS Injunction-Canadian Probe

A coalition of African-American pro-life activists have had their Twitter account suspended after firing off tweets challenging the NAACP over its position favoring abortion.  Leading black pro-life advocates have been planning to protest the NAACP’s pro-abortion activism at its 44th Image Awards Show.

The Arkansas Senate passed a bill on to that state’s house that would ban virtually all abortions by making any abortion illegal when the baby has a heartbeat.  States are allowed to restrict abortion within certain guidelines.  This law would test those guidelines.

Another of the lawsuits against the HHS contraceptive-abortifacient drug mandate has yielded a preliminary injunction against the mandate on behalf of a family-run business.  The significance of the injunction is that it is the second time the seventh circuit Court of Appeals has found that there is a reasonable likelihood that plaintiffs will prevail in court with their case against the mandate.

When an abortion fails, it fails because the child is delivered.  Members of the Canadian Parliament are calling a probe into figures we released at life  In November, we reported on Statistics Canada figures showing nearly 500 children were abandoned to die following failed abortions in Canada.
