Faith in a Baby

None of the three major religions of the world like thinking of Abraham as a pagan.  Yet that is so because ‘pagan’ is what he left behind as he began to believe and found that kernel, the gem of great price, faith.  A pagan is simply someone who leaves faith out of matters relating to God.  They deny the element of trust and cast themselves like logs adrift in the sea of spirituality.

Maybe there is a lot more to be said of how faith moves mountains, even kingdoms, and paganism doesn’t.  But to the point for this Advent season, Christmas is all about faith in a little baby.  It is that simple.  Just as Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness and as God began to reveal things to Abraham, we believe in a baby coming to show us all of God – and God begins to teach us.  Advent is opening our hearts to be taught.

Get ready.  The baby is coming to you this year in Christmas.