Interior Department Cabinet Level Appointment Draws Attention to ObamaCare Exemptions, Thomas More Society Calling to Investigate Abortionist in Tonya Reaves’ Death

Listen here for LifeNews Radio for February 8, 2013:
20130208 LifeNews Radio ObamaCare Exemptions-Chicago Abortionist

Pro-life groups, religious organizations and persons of conscience in business are unable to get what the White House has given to some businesses that are somehow favored by the Obama Administration.  Sally Jewell is the very successful head of REI Incorporated, an outdoor sports outfitter based in Seattle, and is now the President’s nominee for the Interior Department.  The president says REI is deserving to be made exempt from law by a White House decision—some would call it an arbitrary decision—granted because of the way this particular company performs.  Pro-life advocates and legal experts will be commenting on this implicit legal problem and precedent in the coming days as Sally Jewell’s nomination proceeds through US Senate confirmation.

The pro-life legal group, the Thomas More Society, says Illinois must investigate a doctor working at a Chicago Planned Parenthood business.  The Cook County medical examiner said 24-year-old Tonya Reeves died last summer from a bungled D and E abortion-the pregnancy itself did not contribute to her death.  The autopsy put the sole responsibility for her death on Planned Parenthood and the only way in Illinois to investigate is to investigate the doctor.