SPECIAL PROGRAM: The Gift of God and Life and You

Here’s a little math that should offer perspective about life and death and dying.  Life is a powerful gift and |8|we have solved enough problems to where now ||worldwide life expectancy is 71 years.  ||
A normal annual death rate – applying an even statistical distribution – would mean each year we see one in every 71 people dying.  Comparing that normal death rate with disasters like COVID death rates should calm some fears.  Comparing that normal death rate with abortion rates should inform society why pro-life advocates are more concerned about abortion than disasters.  2020 COVID deaths world wide amount to about one in 18 -thousand. 
If annual abortion numbers were dropped into that same math, the figure is one in 1 hundred and 64.  Abortion is a crime against ‘the’ smallest and ‘most’ vulnerable, and that makes abortion easy to ignore.  But the crime of abortion should be easily discerned.

Consider this analogy and its application.  If the entire world were being moved by airplane – 1 -hundred, sixty-four people at a time – to a newly discovered continent and one person on every flight were killed by someone on the plane, that’s the rate of abortion.  And it illustrates the deliberate nature of abortion.  And that problem, it is safe to say, would stop that migration until someone figured out the who and why and how behind those killings. 

The reality is that we are – and always have been – indeed ‘migrating’ to a previously undiscovered future.  And just as if we had to settle a new continent, we need every one of us to accomplish the tasks that lay before us.

If we think of each of us as God’s answers to the prayers of others, we easily see that life is a gift from God.  God gives life for His reasons.  And His reasons include giving human life and human economy as answers to our prayers.  God is Love and you – and each of us – are a gift of His Love to us all.
God bless you.  I’m Jim Anderson